About Me

Seth Rubin (they/he) is a queer, trans, and nonbinary Los Angeles-based comedian and writer. A New Jersey native, Seth received a B.S. in geology from the George Washington University and a Ph.D. in geology from the University of California, Davis. As a comedian, Seth trained in improv at the Sacramento Comedy Spot and iO Chicago. Seth has written and directed two sketch comedy shows: Snake Is Long, which ran at Chicago’s Annoyance Theatre in 2019, and The Jazz Circus, which ran at LA’s Broadwater Theater in 2022.

Seth’s writing has been published in The New Yorker, The Onion, Reductress, McSweeney’s, and more. They currently write full-time for Jackbox Games. In 2022, they were named one of Gold Comedy’s 22 Comedians to Watch in 2022.

Seth’s hobbies include baking, hiking, and reading. Their cat is named Meryl.